Nov 25th, 2015
Tax credits win
By Danny Huber
George Osborne has just announced that he’s TOTALLY SCRAPPING PLANS TO CUT TAX CREDITS!
Osborne is still making other announcements about his spending plans. There may well be stings in the tail, and we’ll need to check the small print.
But this much is clear right now: 38 Degrees members have successfully changed government policy. Together, we’ve stopped cuts that would have been devastating for families across Britain.
38 Degrees members have done so much to contribute to this victory. Hundreds of thousands of emails, phone calls and visits to MPs. Half a million leaflets delivered to voters in Conservative areas. Billboard adverts, newspaper stories. Donations from 38 Degrees members to power the campaign, with thousands of us chipping in whatever we could afford.
Congratulations! You stopped George Osborne and defeated this government.
Here’s what Laura Payne, Head of Campaigns at children’s charity Barnardo’s says:
“Thank you, 38 Degrees members – you’ve played a huge role in making sure that vital tax credits have been saved. It’s thanks to hundreds of thousands of 38 Degrees members – who signed petitions, emailed and called their MPs, and chipped into the campaign, along with many charities working on the issue – that ordinary mums, dads and kids are now going to be protected from tax credit cuts.”
And Gudrun, a 38 Degrees member who would have been personally affected by the cuts adds:
“I’ve just turned on the radio and I’m absolutely delighted and relieved to hear Osborne isn’t going to cut tax credits. I’ve had a sense of impending doom for the last few weeks and now I don’t.
This is a victory for all the hundreds of thousands of ordinary people who spoke out against this policy. It just shows what we can achieve when we come together.”
Just a few weeks ago, families across the UK were expecting to receive devastating letters this December, telling them how much money they’d have taken away from them and their children. Now, we know that won’t be happening – thanks to our people power.
38 Degrees members have worked together to stand up for what’s right. Stopping Osborne’s tax credit cuts is a historic achievement for 38 Degrees members. It shows that together we can beat this government. And it shows what’s possible when we pool our voices, ideas and money. There’ll be more fights like this in the next few years.
We’ve helped prevent a real injustice. We should feel proud to have made this happen, together.